How We Help Individuals
Career Coaching Pro has been helping individuals find their next ideal role with an increase in pay and meaning, or get recognized, shine and promoted in your current role. It all starts with finding your niche as the foundation of your success, especially those who are seeking a new role.
Individuals who work with Career Coaching Pro
see a return on investment in spades:
Job Seeking
Those looking for their ideal role
who work with us get:
• 3x in interest and interviews
• 2x the number of job offers
• 25% more salary
• 20% more PTO
• Reduction in job seeking time by 1/2
• Find ideal jobs 2x fast
Career Development
Those looking to shine, get recognized and promoted who work with us get:
• 2x more successful in current role
• Targeted training
• Better work/life with less burnout
• Promoted 4x as fast
• Build trust and relationships 3x faster and get recognized more than their peers

Starting at
/15 mins
Consult included in first session

Finding the right job
Preparing for your job search


LinkedIn profiles

Cover letters
Getting your dream job

Applying and networking

Interviewing and role-playing

Negotiating the offer
Telling your story

Finding your niche

Storytelling and presentation skills

Portfolio and projects
Enhancing your brand

Brand identity

Useful website building
Amplifying your skills and education

Career advancement

Career change

Human-Centered Design Thinking

Design and Agile processes

Design and tech teams

Doing the job right
Shining in your current role

Storytelling and presentation skills

Time management skills

Avoiding burnout

Growing and self-advocating

Dealing with imposter syndrome

Advancing your career

Get promoted
Working with others

Proving your value


Building trust in relationships

Managing teams
Boost your awareness
Workshop Planning and Facilitation

Human-Centered Design Thinking

Design and Agile Processes

Design and Tech Teams
Starting at

Finding the right job
A-La-Carte Classes

Portfolio Class

Human-Centered Design Thinking

Prioritization Class

Facilitation Class
Job Seeking Cohort

Two 1:1 Personalized Coaching sessions

Five group sessions

A resume video review

Slack community channel
Agile Apprenticeship Program*

Launched projects for case studies

Learn Agile

Team collaboration and autonomy

Real-world experience
*By invitation only. There are prerequisites.